
About Thammasat University

Thammasat University is a leading Asian academic institution, with its world-class standard in producing graduates, creating bodies of knowledge and addressing the country’s issues with commitment to virtues and the public interests.

A Brief History

Thammasat University was inaugurated on June 27, 1934 by the wish of Professor Dr. Banomyong to establish a university to educate Thai people of democracy introduced to the nation. Entering into the 84th year after its establishment, Thammasat University recognizes all the changes that have occurred in this age and is aware that our duty is not only to produce graduates but also to groom “Next-Generation leaders for Thailand and international communities”.

General Information

Thammasat’s bachelor degree programs offer courses in all fields, covering sociology, humanities, science and technology, and health sciences, in Thai, bilingual and international programs. The school offers programs in over 33 faculties to answer to special demands; such as double degree programs whereby Thammasat University collaborates with universities abroad; double major programs; and integrated bachelors and master degree programs which take only 5 years to complete.


Six popular courses

TEP (Engineering)

Twinning Engineering Programme (TEP) offering a lucrative 2 + 2 engineering programme, with 3 of the best engineering schools around the world. TEP students will study at Thammasat for their first two years, learning the basics of engineering knowledge followed by the remaining two years at one of the three partner universities including University of Nottingham, University of New South Wales, and KU Leuven.

SIIT (Engineering)

SIIT is an international science & technology academic institute by Thammasat University. For more than 20 years, SIIT has not only produced highly qualified graduates, it also has continuously published the highest number of research papers per faculty member in the country. Students can choose from 7 fields of specialisation from Chemical Engingeering, Civil Engineering, to Digital Engineering.

BE (Economics)

BE is an international program in economics, Thammasat University. The program combines a broad educational foundation with extensive preparation in the various aspects of economic theory and practice. The program is designed to promote self-development and critical thinking, and to provide familiarity with advanced theory and technology.

BBA (Business Administration)

The Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (International Program) is a four-year undergraduate program in Business Administration offering three areas of concentration: accounting, finance, and marketing. BBA also provides students opportunities to expand their world views and experiences though student exchange programs with global educational institutions.

LLB (Business Law)

Thammasat University runs the largest law school nationwide. The International LL.B. Program in Business Law is a full-time program, emphasizing on developing students’ aptitude in the career in law at the international level and their ability to compete with foreign lawyers in a more intense arena of the legal job market.

BJM (Mass Media)

The Bachelor of Arts Program in Journalism (Media Studies) is among the nation’s top international undergraduate degree programs in media and communication.
Staff Member. Through four years, students will have a chance to learn different sides of the media including: journalism, public relations, advertising, film, photography, and social media skills.